Usually in fairy tales the prince saves the young beauty. Continued by many computer games by many "King’s Bounty: Legend of the Knight" The opposite is true. In the first quarter of 2009, the matured Princess Amelie will go to the world of Thana to find his mentor Bill Gilbert, and on the way will save the world from the army of terrible monsters, races of bloodthirsty lizards and five new ones "Bossov".
The authors claim that their add -on can be called a sequel – the game has been seriously changed, many innovations and improvements have appeared. A world has been created, which consists of fourteen continents and islands, the movement between which is practically not limited. The main character, as you already guessed, was the princess. The female character in the project was not accidental. The first part of Title, published in 1990, many girls were fond of – the developers want them to be pleased.
One of the main disadvantages of the original was the limitation of the most affordable level of your ward. Having passed 2/3 of the games, most gamers reached the greatest value – 30 leftles – and every meaning of the battle with the monsters was lost. Now the system will appear "pumping", allowing to gain 50+ level’ov. Instead of the spirits of war (a revenge box) actively used in "Legend", The princess will have a manual dragon, who responds to a rash nickname Draco.
A meeting with a future pet will take place on a farm where he had just been born. The player will be offered to choose seven individuals, but he, unfortunately, will not be able to configure the appearance of the chosen one in accordance with individual preferences. It is impossible to communicate with dragons as with perfumes in a previous project, but his help in battle will simply be invaluable. Draco will receive nine skills, each of which can be improved, presumably 8-12 times.
Traditional add-on-ON is a dozen or two new levels and monsters: this is what the vast majority of the creators of the games do. But, to the great joy of admirers "Legends", figures from Katauri Interactive They want to include a lot of new things in their project, to make gameplay and role part much more diverse. For example, they promise "Hunting heads" – something like a custom-made murder. Moreover, after the quest is fulfilled, you will not have to return to the guarantor, the reward will follow immediately.
In the original, Bill Gilbert could marry, but in the event of a divorce, the spouse took the children and half the gold. Now the main character is a young hero who can choose a squire. They are presented in a wide range: from elegant witty elf to brutal orc. The separation process depends on the nature of the favorite. If the servant is noble, in case of resignation, he will not claim part of her condition, and vice versa.
The skill system has also undergone significant transformations. More than a third of the species of magic – new. One of them can be used while traveling, not during the battle. A reward system will be added. Most likely, these will be medals that will enhance the characteristics of the character of the game.
The world is expanded by many different creatures. You can make friends with some of them. True, the main mass is of negative monsters. The strongest of them are called bosses. IN "The legend of the knight" There were three similar creatures, now their number has been brought to five (however, four have been announced so far). I would especially like to note a giant orange frog, which calls for help small yellow frogs. With a serious loss of health, Big Quakushka devours them, thereby restoring their reserves.
In addition, there are places where neither equestrian nor the pies can get out. Having passed about half the way, Amelie will turn his horse into "Pegasa". By the way, in flight, clashes with land monsters can be avoided (no air battles are provided).
The developers declared stereographic mode, for the inclusion of which you just need to activate the corresponding option in the settings. In computer games, a similar technology is used for the first time. Eyewitnesses claim that it looks very impressive, but their eyes get tired quickly. We hope that glasses with blue and red light filters and recommendations for their use will be included in the gift of a gift edition.
Together with successful innovations, all the best of "Legends about the knight" will go in addition. Therefore, you can safely predict that "Princess in armor" Success awaits.